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2016年06月17日 13:20:45  来源:美讯网






Sign light, stop the intersection Angle of slip of the lip, the focus of the dark green has yellow, dark blue to remember that a few plexus leisure haystack element, the pure land of cross has multiple memory the pale rain cloud, a cloud of missing a focal mix dust -- wish, every kind of gentle and rich poetic open-minded, in sharp, silent is not sad, everything is already flower leaves, meditation on the freedom of poem heart world, let the time flow and the inspiration source of bud and season from as far away as the core, hope off the rest of the world, the silence, the beautiful rose repeatedly with the cold lonely world water chestnut impact blows out, Lin however sweet poetry are awakening.








In the poet's work, we often feel the smell of the breath of another kind of artistic temperament, so often in the works of the painter. Such as ink, his paintings poetry and dreams.

Poetic sense is the ink primitive instincts. With the sharp instincts, well understand and master the regular pattern of the power and potential of things, the painter poetic spirit can confidently burst of energy, of his own imagination breakthrough tangible material through to release the spiritual vigor.

The ink filled with imagination and lightsome. Under his brush with flowing out of color and shape and the penetration of different changes, breathe freely, everything seems to be to express themselves.

Ink rushed in the paintings, there are two obvious things: poetry and musicality. He expressed in the heart of the music he metrical poetry is beautiful, like a wisp of echo as if from a burst of pleasant breeze is blowing in the soul.


I think, must be the creator himself starting from the heart, in the earth, and then return to the origin of life.




生于196911   山西晋中

1994  毕业于山西大学美术学院

1993—— 山西第七届水彩画展 太原

1994—— 山西大学展览厅  个人画展

1996—— 中央美院画廊  联展

1999—— 中国艺术博览会 国际展览中心

         《异空间》  音乐厅画廊

2000—— 创办童创美术学校

2004—— 今日美术馆《新阶梯》6人展

          千景画廊  百人艺术展

2005—— 《差异与建构》艺术展  燕郊

          宋庄第一届文化艺术节 联展

2006—— 宋庄艺术大展  宋庄

          当代十七人艺术展  798贡确画廊

2007——北京皇城艺术馆 内在的表达六人展

2007——北京上上美术馆 中韩国际联展

2008------虹湾艺术馆   静者静动抽象艺术展

2009--2014   为多家机构做空间设计

2012------九层艺术馆   纸上至上艺术展

2012------亿兵空间    边缘艺术展

2013------北京当代艺术馆  150位艺术家自画像展

2013-------亿利美术馆     大漠艺术展

2013------山西省美术馆  第六届油画展





