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2013年10月18日 15:12:04  来源:中国书画收藏频道


1987年 油画《春雪》参加辽宁省美术作品展(辽宁省美术馆);
1988年 油画《春雪》发表在《美术大观》第一期;
1989年 油画《春醒》参加辽宁油画展(辽宁省美术馆),作品被日本收藏家收藏;
1991年 油画《冬苏》参加辽宁省庆祝建党七十周年美术作品展(辽宁省美术馆),获优秀奖;
2001年 油画《深秋与初春的联想》参加辽宁省庆祝建党八十周年美术精品展(辽宁省美术馆),获银奖;
2001年 油画《深秋与初春的联想》发表在《美术大观》第九期及《辽宁日报》;
2002年 油画《某年某月雪》参加辽宁省美术书法摄影大赛(鲁迅美术学院美术馆),获金奖;
2002年 油画《某年某月雪》参加全国第十二届“群星奖”美术书法摄影展(青岛美术馆),获优秀奖;
2002年 油画《某年某月雪》入选《全国第十二届 “群星奖”美术书法摄影展获奖作品集》;
2003年 油画《家与鸟巢的概念》参加辽宁省第三届油画展(鲁迅美术学院美术馆),获“金彩油画艺术奖”;
2003年 油画《家与鸟巢的概念》参加第三届中国油画展(中国美术馆);
2003年 油画《家与鸟巢的概念》入选《第三届中国油画展辽宁油画作品集》。
2007年 油画《南方. 北方》参加辽宁省美术作品展,获银奖;
2008年 油画《北方雪》参加上苑艺术馆08驻馆艺术家作品展《当下--野外的声音》;
2009年 宋庄艺术节工作室开放展;
2010年 油画《北方雪》参加《第六届中国西部大地情-中国画、油画展》获优秀奖,并被政府收藏;
2010年 参加融合·同行 2010北京油画名家十人邀请展。

Bao chengfu was born in Huludao City, Liaoning Province, in 1959. Graduating from Liaoning Arts Normal School in 1981, now he is the Member of Chinese Artists’ Association liaoning Branch, vice-chairman of Huludao Artists’ Association, chairman of HuludaoYoung Artists’ Association, vice-president of Huludao Oil Painting Society.

In 1987,,his oil painting Spring Snow was selected by Liaoning Art Exhibition (Liaoning Art Gallery).
In 1988, his oil painting Spring Snow was published in the first issue of Art Panorama.
In 1989, a Japanese collector stored up his oil painting Spring Awakening (Liaoning Art Gallery).
In 1991 , his oil painting Winter Awakening won the excellent prize of Art Exhibition of Liaoning Celebrating the 70th Anniversary for the Founding of CPC( Liaoning Art Gallery).
In 2001,his oil painting Association of Early Spring and Late Autumn won the Silver Medal of Art Exhibition of Liaoning Celebrating the 80th Anniversary for the Founding of CPC. It was published in both Art Panorama and Liaoning Daily.
In 2002, his oil painting Snow Someday won the Gold Medal of Liaoning Calligraphy (Qingdao Art Gallery), Fine Arts and Photography Contest, the excellent prize of The 12th“Stars Prize”Calligraphy, Fine Arts and Photography Exhibition, and was included in Prize Winning Collection of The 12th“Stars Prize” Calligraphy, Fine Arts and Photography Exhibition (Luxun Art Academy Gallery).
In 2003, his oil painting Conception of Home and Nest won“Golden Oil Painting Prize” of the 3th liaoning Oil Painting Exhibition (Luxun Art Academy Gallery), was selected by the 3th Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition (National Art Museum of China), and was included in Liaoning Oil Painting Collection of the 3th Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition..
In 2007, his oil painting South·north won the Silver Medal of Liaoning Art Exhibition.
In 2008, his oil painting Northern Snow was selected by 2008“Sound of Present-Field”Art Exhibition of Live-in Artists in the Imperial Park Art Museum.
In 2009, Songzhuang Art Festival and Open Studio Exhibition.

13.《北方雪》系列--城市.城市 布面油画(略加材料) 100cmX80cm 2010年 鲍成福 .jpg

