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2012年09月06日 11:11:52  来源:中国书画收藏频道

一、词 汇
Auction 名词 拍卖
Lot 名词 拍卖品,一份儿,一批
Bid 名词,动词 出价,叫价
Sold 动词 成交
Pass 动词 拍回,流标
Seller 名词 卖家,委托人
Bidder 名词 竞买人,出价人
Buyer (purchaser)名词 买家,买受人
Auctioneer 名词 拍卖师
Vehicles 名词 机动车
Real estate 房地产,不动产
Works of art 艺术品
Bankrupt enterprise 破产企业
Product selling right 产品经销权
Patent 名词 专利
Cultural relics 文物
Public property 公物
Intangible assets 无形资产
Publicity 名词 公开
Fairness 名词 公平
Justice 名词 公正
English system 英格兰式
Dutch system 荷兰式
Staring price 起拍价
Hammer (purchase price)落槌价(成交价)
Reserve price 保留价,底价
Absent bid 委托竞投
Auction announcement 拍卖公告
Auction contract 委托拍卖合同
Auction with reserve 有底价拍卖
Auction without reserve(absolute auctoin)无底价拍卖(绝对拍卖)
Bidding paddle 竞买号牌
Business conditions 业务规定,拍卖规则
CAA (China Association of Auctioneers)中国拍卖行业协会
Confiscate 动词 没收,充公
Defect (flaw)名词 瑕疵
Deposit 名词 保证金
Disposition 名词 处置
Entrust 动词 委托
Offer 动词 名词 报价
Ownerless 形容词 无主的
Premium (commission)    名词 佣金
Price list 价格目录,价格单
Property uation (appraisal)资产评估
Purchase confirmation 成交确认书
Purchased lot 成交物品,拍定物
Scale 名词 (竞价)阶梯
The Auction Law of the People’s Republic of china 中华人民共和国拍卖法
Transfer procedures 过户手续

1-10 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
11-20 eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty
21-30 twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three ……thirty

100 one hundred
120 one (hundred) twenty
140 one (hundred) forty
1,000 one thousand
1,100 one thousand (and) one hundred 或 eleven hundred
1,200 one thousand (and) two hundred 或 twelve hundred
10,000 ten thousand
11,500 eleven thousand (and) five hundred
12,000 twelve thousand
100,000 one hundred thousand
110,000 one hundred (and) ten thousand
1,000,000 one million
10,000,000 ten million
100,000,000 one hundred million
当然,为简便起见,拍卖师对于数字的报出有时与日常方式有别,如:“1600”,报成“one thousand and six”;“4200”,报成“forty-two hundred”;“110”则说成“one ten”等等。虽然与日常读法不同(如:日常的“one thousand and six”应当指“1006”),但因参与拍卖的各方对竞价阶梯等内容都很清楚,所以不会出现这样的误解。

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the auction of our company.
It’s my great honor to hold today’s auction as the registered auctioneer of China.
There are 50 lots to be sold in this auction.
And now let us begin with lot 1.
Lot 1,we start at ¥100.
Any bid?
¥200 appears now.
Any more bid?
Now ¥800 over there.
No more bid?
¥800 first, ¥800 second, last chance.
Your number,sir(madam)?
¥800 sold to bidder No.168.

Auction,  a public sale of property to the highest bidder. 拍卖,就是把财产卖给出价最高的竞买人的一种公开的销售方式。
The No Reserve Auction ,is that the auctioneer does not give the starting price; the bidders offer their bids orally and the last bidder is the purchaser. 无底价拍卖,即拍卖师不宣布起叫价,由竞买人叫价,以最高叫价拍定。
Auction With Reserve, an auction in which the seller or his agent reserves the right to establish a minimum bid ,to accept or reject any and all bids and to withdraw the property at any time prior to the announcement of the completion of the sale by the auctioneer. 有底价拍卖,即卖家或其代理人有权设定一个最低价、确定是否接受竞买人的出价,并有权在拍卖师宣布拍卖结束前撤回拍品。
In English system, the bidders keep raising their bids, the last bidder is the successful buyer. 在英格兰式下,竞买人不断提高竞价,最后的竞买人即为买受人。
In Dutch system, the auction starts at a high price and then decrease successively until an offer is accepted. The first bidder is the buyer. 在荷兰式下,拍卖师以一个高价位起叫,然后不断降低报价,直到有人应价,第一个应价的即为买受人。
Properties forbidden for sale by the national laws,  regulations and policies. 法律、法规或者国家政策明令禁止买卖的财产。
Properties whose disposal right of use or ownership is in dispute. 所有权或者使用权有争议的财产。
Properties whose disposal right is limited or in dispute. 处分权受到限制或者有争议的财产。
Properties expropriated by the administrative law enforcement organs or judicial organs. 行政执法机关或者司法机关没收、追缴的财产。
Properties which should be disposed or sold during
